Our Land

The benefits of hosting volunteers on your block
Volunteer schemes are not a way to get things done for free around your block, but Sheryn has still found it very profitable.

March gardening checklist: Plant broccoli seedlings, add compost to soil
Plant plenty of cruciferous seedlings now for an abundant winter harvest.

7 garden tips for bountiful winter harvest
Growing an abundance of fresh food during winter may sound difficult, but it is possible, even in colder regions.

A New Plymouth gardener profits from his 1000sqm veggie patch
On a block this small, this New Plymouth gardener only grows the most efficient vegetables for his bottom line.

10+ tips for making a profit off your lifestyle block
Can you make a living from your lifestyle block? Give up your day job and lead the good life? Yes. But.

10+ lessons from the worst forest fires in NZ
In the soot-covered aftermath of the Nelson fires, we look at how lifestyle block owners can best avoid the ravages of fire.

How this couple turned their block into a small-scale market garden
When red-hot chilli fans Steve and Anne Corkran got burned by big business marketplaces, they decided to go direct to their customers and turned their block into a thriving market garden.

20+ things you need to know if you're on tank water during a drought
Forecast rain might be a welcome relief for tank water users across the parched North Island, but now they should be wary of contamination.

A couple turns their berry-pickin' hobby into a 6-ha blueberry orchard
What was once a silly dream has been whipped into a business churning out refreshing blues.

This is the pungent secret to Mexican cooking
A pungent herb with a unique flavour is the secret green in Mexican cuisine.

How to keep your flowers blooming through summer and beyond
Careful planning can keep the garden colourful for another year.

7 gardening tasks for February: Harvest herbs, sow swedes and turnips
Gardening never stops — especially in the height of summer.

How to deal with an abundant elderberry harvest
The problem with this invasive weed is that it's so delicious.

How Crete beans made their way to NZ in the name of love
Every seed has a story, and some are sown with love.

Michael Van de Elzen returns to his rural roots with a lifestyle block in Muriwai
Chef Michael Van de Elzen is creating a block where everything is grown and cooked from scratch.

Why you should harvest fennel pollen (and how to do it)
One foodie describes it as the spice an angel would sprinkle from its wings.

9 garden tips for January: Protect tomatoes, sow beetroot
Keep the garden cool and moist is just the beginning this summer.

The challenges of making NZ predator-free
Are wild deer and cats pests? A new report says getting people to agree on what biodiversity is, and how to control pests is going to be critical if NZ is to be predator-free.

Meet the caretakers of a historic DOC farm in remote Northland
A family which counts itself lucky to be the keepers of a DOC farm in an unspoiled coastal wilderness shares it every summer with holiday campers.

One big reason not to touch your pōhutukawa this summer
Some of New Zealand’s most famous trees are at enormous risk but there’s one simple thing you can do to help them this summer.

A couple's horse and mountain-biking trail oasis in Rotorua
He’s into his bikes; she’s into her horses. This Rotorua couple makes a living out of their hobbies.

Is this the super berry of the future?
They’re the colour of a blueberry, have the sweetest name, and some of NZ’s most experienced croppers are hoping they’ll be an exciting new superfood for NZ gardeners and growers.

6 summer gardening tasks: Feed tomatoes, keep celery hydrated
Water, liquid fertiliser and sun are the key ingredients to a fruitful late summer harvest.

The lowdown on loquats (hint: they're great in cobbler)
Often unappreciated, loquats are pure gold and make delicious jam.

20 expert tips to growing great tomatoes
Long-time tomato growers share their secrets to getting a bumper crop.

Dr Compost's secret to a healthy, efficient compost pile
Ben Elms (aka Dr Compost) says creating an effective compost pile shouldn’t involve back-breaking labour.

10 late-spring gardening tasks: Sow carrots, transplant tomatoes
The warmer days are practically begging you to get out the spade for late spring gardening.

10 most nutrient-rich leafy greens you can grow
If you’re going to grow your salads, here are the 10 greens that make every bite as nutrient-rich as possible.

3 common trees to get for free with propagation
There's no need to pay when a simple propagation will do the trick.

This organic grower hasn't had aphids in two years
A garden doesn't get much trickier than a steep slope by the sea, but this one produces enough to feed a family, a community, the birds, and the bees.

How to use vertical planting to maximise a small space
Vertical planting can substantially increase the growing area in a small garden or roof terrace.