Our Animals
3 things you shouldn't feed your chickens
Chickens are not the best at self-regulating a nutritious diet.
18+ tasks to keep chickens, sheep and cattle healthy all summer long
Preventative action will keep livestock happy and healthy in peak summer.
What is the difference between a miniature horse and a pony?
It may be time to size up the differences between a pony and mini horse.
3 ways to deal with all that chicken manure
Poo can be a smelly problem but if you manage it well, it’s a beneficial addition to pasture and gardens.
15 farming tips for summer: Wean calves, watch for flystrike
Keep your animals happy and healthy all summer long.
How an Auckland couple is bringing native butterflies back to the city
Robert Jones and Angela Moon-Jones are bringing native butterflies back — one garden at a time.
How to use chicken poo (safely) in the garden
You may love your poultry for their sweet natures, colourful looks, daily egg, and possibly meat, but they reliably produce another useful product too.
The 10 things in your home most likely to poison your pet
Your dog has that guilty look on their face and you know they've eaten something they shouldn't. Here are the 10 most common things that send a pet to the vet with a serious problem.
The challenges of making NZ predator-free
Are wild deer and cats pests? A new report says getting people to agree on what biodiversity is, and how to control pests is going to be critical if NZ is to be predator-free.
The secret life of an alpaca farmer
Her working life is dedicated to the glamour and romance of weddings, but another job has stolen Lisa Charteris' heart.
8 Christmas favourites that can make your pet sick
The parties and chaos over summer are a lot of fun, but also include tempting danger foods for your pets.
How to deal with an aggressive rooster
Psychology can be your best friend when dealing with an aggressive rooster.
Everything to know about raising free-range heritage pigs
Free-ranging heritage-breed pigs are intelligent, companionable, productive and very, very tasty.
Could native birds control pests in orchards?
Researchers hope to find native birds with an appetite for insect pests.
How to manage rooster behaviour
Roosters are the most beautiful of the poultry world, but they are the most trouble too.
Goose owner discovers peace was never an option
Geese are NZ Lifestyle Block editor Nadene Hall's favourite birds, and she doesn’t know why.
25+ farming tips for November: Watch for lameness, book the shearer
With summer just around the corner, it's time to prepare your land and animals for warmer weather.
8 odd things about the sex life of poultry
Poultry have some habits when it comes to their love life.
Why this Southland woman switched from art to beekeeping
Responsible for millions of bees, 26-year-old Steph Munro of Southland's Munro Honey now combines her design skills with the sweeter side of life.
Penguin playtime: How to make a felt rockhopper mask
Eastern rockhopper penguins might be declining in number, but they’re no less loved by thisNZlife. The cute characters are our top pick for Forest & Bird’s Bird of the Year competition and your kids can play along with this easy-to-make dress-up mask.
6 drench tips for goat owners
Goats grazing pasture generally don’t develop immunity to parasites in the same way as adult cattle and sheep. While there’s little research available, Wormwise report industry feedback is that drench resistance on goat farms is widespread and severe.
How to turn excess pork fat into lard
Get the most out of your homegrown pork by rendering excess fat into useable lard.
Sheep milk 101: Why sheep might be the new cows
The NZ dairy sheep industry is small, but dedicated artisan cheesemakers and one of NZ’s biggest farming operations are working to turn this niche into big business.
How a no-drench strategy can save your animals from worms
One of the biggest problems facing farms of all sizes is drench resistance, and one of the answers is to stop drenching.
How to spot seabirds and penguins in New Zealand
This isn't your average bird-watching. From the Hauraki Gulf to Stewart Island, there are plenty of seabirds to be seen splashing around.
How to control and prevent pests in the garden the natural way
It’s easy to malign pests, but they’re not malicious. Think before spraying them and adopt an attitude of gratitude to the many beneficial insects that feed on the nasties that attack the garden.
This farmer's secret to award-winning cheese? Sheep milk
It took some persuading to get this humble Northland farmer to enter her sheep cheese in the NZ Champions of Cheese Awards.
Seed raising 101: How to raise plants from seeds
Raising plants from seed is a cost-effective way of planting out a garden.
6 home remedies for a sick chicken
If you’re caught short with a sick chicken, a home remedy may help.
A Dunedin woman finds her calling by taking in injured kererū
At 17, Nik Hurring took New Zealand's most accident-prone bird under her wing. She has been rescuing kererū ever since.