Our Animals
Case study: Two kunekune pigs eat rat bait (and survive)
Two cute pigs are too greedy for their own good.
Are quail better than chooks?
These tiny birds are the easiest and most efficient producers of eggs and meat you can raise.
30+ basics every block owner needs to know
With the number of lifestyle block owners rising each year, many of them new to farming, it’s important to know where to find reputable advice and help.
From mussel byproduct to healthy snack for chickens
A natural waste product from the mussel industry is now a health supplement for happy hens.
The buzz on bumblebees
If beehives aren’t your thing, there are a few simple strategies you can use to encourage another beloved pollinator to find a home in your garden.
Do cows need loos?
Scientists have shown it’s possible to potty train cows, which can help with reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Finnish chickens live their best log-cabin life
This architect-designed coop is the summer home of some very spoiled chickens.
If the Shoe Fits
A childhood love of horses and ‘divine intervention’ led to Kaiapoi’s Stuart Muir working as a farrier at the world’s foremost equine hospital Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital.
Why Rose the ewe got fitted with a maternity bra
A sweet ewe gets fitted for her first baa bra after an udder disaster.
The ultimate sick chook guide + a case study
Working out what’s wrong with a sick chicken can be tricky, even for an expert. Here’s how to improve your odds of getting a diagnosis, and prevent illness in your flock.
New technology creates virtual fences for cows
A new venture aims to give farmers back what they value most — time.
6 ways to work out if your hens are laying
If you're not getting all the eggs you expect, Sue Clarke explains how to work out who's laying, who's about to, and who's cruising.
6 nutritious plants to grow for happy chickens
How to create a nutritious mixed salad and creepy-crawly entrée that will improve the health of your chickens.
6 tips for safe bottle-feeding
Follow this easy checklist to make sure you're feeding your baby animals safely, so you avoid nutritional scours, and the risk of aspiration pneumonia.
How Snowflake the goat kid overcame pneumonia
Country vet Sarah Clews meets goat kid Snowflake during his hospitalization from a bad case of pneumonia.
Why you should consider raising turkeys
Turkeys are beautiful birds, work hard to keep your farm pest-free and make a great roast.
A beginner's guide to hoof trimming
Limping cattle, sheep, and goats are a common winter sight, but there are ways to fix and prevent it.
9 things to consider you're raising chicks
If you’re raising chicks this spring, here’s how to avoid some common mistakes and ensure yours get the very best start in life.
The no-grain clucking composting system
US compost-maker Karl Hammer runs a grain-free flock that works hard for a living.
What to plant for happier chickens
The ideal poultry habitat is full of trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals, which provide shelter, protection, and nutrition.
This big duck has no quack
It looks like a duck (but doesn't quack), acts like a goose, roosts like a chicken, and tastes like beef.
3 things your stock will thank you for this winter
Healthy stock easily cope with the cold. But combine cold, wind, and rain, and stock can become stressed. Here are three ways to help them cope better in winter conditions.
A rare herd of cuddly-looking giants near Taupo
They look quite cuddly, and they're roaming on a farm near Taupo, but farming them isn't for the fainthearted.
5 things to know about lice in poultry
They’re small, they’re fast, and they can bug your birds all year round.
A guide to biosecurity on your lifestyle block or farm
Good biosecurity will save you money and heartache.
5 toxic mistakes you may be making with your chooks
There are all kinds of myths and 'fake news' about poultry, and some of them are deadly.
3 bad eggs & what they're telling you about your hens
Some are more common in older hens than others.
Inside the curious world of pigeon racing in NZ
This fancier’s pet project sees an ordinary bird taken to extraordinary heights.
Super hens or old-fashioned girls?
There are the super-efficient commercial hens, or the heritage birds with colour and longevity, but how do you know which bird best suits you?
How daylight affects egg production
One of the biggest influences on your hens' health is a star in the sky.