Our Food
Why this artisan cheesemaker doesn't get paid
The award-winning owners of Lonely Goat say the costs of compliance are nothing to yodel about, and explain why they are working for love, not money.
Recipe: Esther's Gluten-Free Gingerbread
A favourite gluten-free recipe from Mary Bigg's Country Cooking School.
Berry Frozen Yoghurt
During our March/April 2017 issue, all subscribers (new, current and renewing) will be in the draw to win one of two Vitamix Professional Series 750, valued at $1595 each. Here is something delicious the winners will be able to create.
Recipe: Freshly minted berry smoothie
During our March/April 2017 issue, all NZ subscribers (new, current and renewing) will be in the draw to win one of two Vitamix Professional Series 750, valued at $1595 each. Here is a delicious smoothie recipe the winners will be able to create.
Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies with Salted Date Filling
These chewy and gooey bite-size sweet treats are not only delicious, but gluten-free.
Behind the scenes on the March/April NZ Life & Leisure cover shoot
We share the apple and date cake recipe which appears on the cover of NZ Life & Leisure.
Two fab fig recipes
Kristina Jensen shares two fab fig recipes and the secrets for ensuring they always taste delicious.
'Why I eat with the seasons'
When Loveday Why discovered she had chronic fatigue syndrome, she found the answer to good health was in her garden.
How to choose the right fruit species
You probably shouldn't try growing mangoes if you live in the South Island but don't give up on dreams of citrus, tamarilloes and nashi pears.
Yes, this cow is made of cake
Kim Donker has turned a baking hobby into a thriving home business. She shares tips for getting started without breaking the bank.
The colourful history of carrots
The carrot might seem like one of those boring but reliable veges, but they have a colourful past and a much brighter future in terms of health and organic growing.
How Monique Fiso is raising the bar on Maori cuisine
Monique Fiso is one of the most innovative young chefs in Maori and Pacific cuisine, but it took a job halfway around the world for her to discover her true passion.
Kate's classic tomato recipes
Kate Coughlan shares her great-great-grandmother Elizabeth Parsons' tomato recipes (converted from pounds and ounces, of course).
Recipe: Honey Rice Crisps
Use a mild-flavoured honey, such as blue borage, in this toasted sesame version of the classic treat.
When is a peach a plum?
Peacherines and nectarines are peach-plum crosses, but there's some debate as to whether they are the same thing.
A garden lover's pesto
Basil, parsley, rocket - use whatever greens you have growing in your garden to make this zesty pesto.
How to make a great beetroot juice
It's bright, bold, very red and packs a powerhouse of nutrients. Beetroot's distinguished, rich, purple-crimson colour alone should be a clue to its natural potency.
How to start small in the cheese business
Many people have a dream to become artisan cheesemakers. It was 20 years in the making for Adrian and Jill Walcroft of Cartwheel Creamery, but they’re maturing nicely.
Couple switch corporate life for barrels of rum
An Anglo-American couple find their adventurous spirit by swapping international careers for a Golden Bay distillery and its stock of barrel-aged rum.
Recipe: Chilled Cucumber Soup
Do you have borage growing in your garden? Try using the petals in this refreshing summer soup.
Recipe: Chilli Lime Prawn Burrito with Coriander Slaw
This burrito recipe is fast, low fuss and delicious. It is ideal for feeding a crowd at the family bach.
Martinborough firm riding Mexican wave
Surf-loving foodies Jason and Melissa Philips downsized and relocated to the Wairarapa to give their hand-rolled burrito business the best chance of catching a big break.
Recipe: Date and Almond Bliss Balls
These date & almond balls are super easy-to-make recipe and are one of my favourites. They are delicious, bite sized, healthy snacks that I can whip up, freeze and grab when needed, and my kids love them!
Recipe: Creamy Coconut Chia Seed Pudding
Carine Claudepierre shares a dairy-free, egg-free breakfast option inspired by tapioca.
Recipe: Balsamic Strawberry Bruschetta
If you're looking for something fresh and fancy for Christmas lunch this year, give this balsamic strawberry bruschetta a go.
Zesty scallop and microgreen salad
These zesty summer flavours are the perfect partner for microgreens.
Why pumpkins are the new superfood
Pumpkins are frost tender and need a long, warm growing season (at least 14 weeks) in a sunny sheltered site.
Recipe: Strawberry and Rocket Salad
Don't reserve strawberries just for pavlova - liven up your salads with a few colourful berries.
Gluten-free, dairy-free blueberry Christmas tart
French-born New Zealander Carine Claudepierre shares a dairy-free, gluten-free version of a classic Alsace Christmas recipe.
Why you should give nashi pears another chance
You’ll never know the joy of a truly magical-tasting pear until you grow your own.
Why the Beer Baroness misses beer
She may have named her first craft beer after a famous lipstick, but brewer Ava Nakagawa is certainly not making beer just for the girls.