Polly's Blog: A legendary stick-in-the-mud
Polly channels Crumpy and Scotty when she braves flood waters in a Hilux - and becomes a true bush woman in the process.
Jim Kayes' blog: Coach dad
Jim Kayes finds himself cast in the role of coach, but can he hold court in the world of school netball?
Polly's Blog: Pig hunting with the Scottish Bear Grylls
James hogs the limelight when he goes on the hunt for a pig and Polly wisely stays at home.
Jim's blog: Driving me mad
This week Jim Kayes teaches his daughter how to drive, and lives to tell the tale.
Polly's blog: 'Save New Zealand's rivers for our kids'
As the debate over the country’s polluted waterways heats up, Polly Greeks writes a love letter to Aotearoa’s rivers and streams.
Jim Kayes' blog: Good morning sunshine
Jim Kayes has been a journalist for 25 years. He survived growing up with four sisters and is now married with two daughters. Despite this, he thinks he's in charge.
Blog: treasure hunting in the Far North
In which Polly trades in foreign treasure-hunting for a more sedate seeking of materials and finds it just as rewarding.
Blog: the pros and cons of homeschool
The land is proving to be a natural classroom in more ways than one for Polly and her family.
Blog: is it time for the ducks to get the chop?
This week, Polly defends her ducks from a date with the casserole pot.
Blog: wet, wet weather and harvest fever
Polly gets wet feet during the storm and discovers she has to reap what she sows.
Blog: no such thing as lazy summer days
Lazy summer days? Huh. For Polly and family the warmer months are too busy spent making hay while the sun shines.
Blog: No such thing as a stranger
At a time when travel bans and giant walls place severe strain on international relations, Polly reflects on the kind hospitality she received in the Middle East.
Blog: The case of the disappearing duck
In Polly Greek's blog this week: when a Pekin duck goes missing, James goes on stoat-catching duty.
Blog: The great Christmas debate
Polly debates whether to boycott Christmas and celebrate the Summer Solstice instead.
Blog: Insolent chickens and wayward eggs
Polly joins 'Team Duck' when her chickens send her on an egg hunt.
Blog: Feature windows and communal beds
Polly laments the communal bed while a new DIY feature window brings some unexpected lessons – and just a little pain.
Blog: You can't get good help these days
As the mudbrick house construction progresses, Polly finds some workers are more help than others.
Blog: a phone full of memories
A Hungarian couch surfer's crazy music brings back memories for Polly Greeks.
Blog: The big packing debate
There are two types of suitcase packers in this world, writes Polly Greeks, the Johnny-Go-Lightlies and the Just-In-Case packers.
Blog: near noodle starvation
A new wwoof-er demonstrates his unfamiliarity with wholefoods and a spiral staircase sends the family’s spirits to heaven.
Blog: Big windfall and the big smoke
The big city beckons for a Kaitaia local, but sometimes the hitting the jackpot comes with a price.
Rainy day ideas for bush babies
What do you do on a rainy day when you live off-the-grid? Make cider vinegar!
Blog: A bathroom at last
The demise of a local coincides with the near-death of the family’s bathroom plumbing.
Blog: Online shopping fails
Why all-terrain roller skates are no match for a goat track in the Far North.
Blog: Off-the-grid and online
In the first of her fortnightly blogs, NZ Life & Leisure columnist Polly Greeks shares an update of life in her mudbrick off-the-grid home in the Far North.