
Our Animals

How to be a very small dairy farmer (no cows required)

Their small farm and its small livestock are the perfect size for a Northland dairy farming couple.

Why colostrum shouldn't go to waste (and how you can benefit from it)

Colostrum is essential for newborn calves, very beneficial to humans, and – as Sheryn has discovered – simple to cook and delicious to eat.

3 things to do before getting bees

Don't bee ill-prepared for these powerful pollinators.

Grow these plants to tap into the booming pet health industry

A Taranaki gardener has found there are some growing opportunities in the $1.5 billion pet health business.

How to care for your sheep and cattle this spring

It's time to prepare for lambing and calving season.

Bumblebees have smelly feet: How a funny fact inspired a children's book

Discovering that bumblebees live in underground burrows sent the Bay of Plenty’s Rachel Weston on a hunt for knowledge. What she discovered is revealed in her first book.

9 treats that are good for your flock

It's only natural to want to spoil your flock, but know that not all treats are created equal.

Everything to do in August to keep livestock healthy

With spring just around the corner, it's time to get the paddock in check.

Three common questions about raising chicks

How do you find a good breeder? How do you feed chicks that will become layers? Is your rooster shooting blanks? NZ Lifestyle Block editor Nadene Hall and poultry expert Sue Clarke answer your questions.

How to install lights safely to keep hens laying longer

You can use lights to extend your hen’s working year. We look at how to design a lighting programme that can give you more eggs without harming your hens.

A romance-writing vet's guide to raising lambs

She’s famous as one of NZ’s most popular romance writers, but Danielle Hawkins' other job is always calling her. Sometimes, from the washing basket in the living room.

7 tips for feeding ewes during pregnancy

In the final stages of pregnancy, a good diet is of utmost importance.

9 things to do before your livestock give birth

When your lambs are due to give birth it pays to be prepared.

Poultry Q&A: Your chicken questions answered

While chicken care is fairly simple – a good coop, good food, somewhere to roam – birds can have curious health and behavioural issues. NZ Lifestyle Block editor Nadene Hall answers your curly questions.

CHICKEN WEEK: How to keep your chicken flock healthy

The most effective methods for keeping poultry healthy are all about prevention.

CHICKEN WEEK: The ultimate resource for raising happy, healthy chickens

We've collated the best hen stories on our site — everything a poultry owner needs to know on how to manage their birds, from coop design, weird- looking eggs to feeding and breeding.

What to feed (and not feed) chickens

Chicks, pullets and adults all have specific feed requirements.

CHICKEN WEEK: Keeping the peace in your flock

The bird brain needs careful management to keep life peaceful.

3 things you might not know about poultry

Hint: Good egg production often boils down to a high-quality diet.

A beginner's guide to raising your own steak

If you have the grass, buying calves and grazing them on is the best way to fill the freezer with lots of lovely beef.

True or false? A poultry expert quashes common egg and chicken myths

Our expert finds the world of poultry is filled with myths, legends and garlic cure-alls.

Could mushrooms hold the secret to saving bees?

A mushroom expert’s observation may help save the world’s bees.

3 essential types of shelter every block needs

We can put on a jacket or a sunhat, turn on the air-con or add another log on the fire. But all your stock can do is move in or out of shelter.

What the 2018 Colony Loss Survey can tell us about NZ bee health

A record number of NZ beekeepers have taken part in the annual survey of bee health, losses, and beekeeping practices.

The mysterious fluffy chicks that appeared in a block owner's hay paddock

The hay paddock has some ungainly inhabitants, quite unlike their elegant parents.

The chicken coop of your hen's dreams should have these features

Some tried-and-true coop features will make your life much easier.

Behind the scenes at a third generation angus stud auction

A historic angus cattle stud takes winter by the horns with a seasonal celebration.

Poultry anatomy 101: What happens when a chicken eats

A guide to everything that happens in the digestive system after a hen gobbles up its meal.

The disgusting consequences of an alpaca food war

Alpaca fan Britt Coker is sure the llamas have led the alpacas astray.

A Dunedin furrier transforms pest pelts into something pretty

Mooney’s Furriers in Dunedin can turn a home-caught possum or rabbit skin into a gorgeous soft furnishing.

Everything you need to know about the ambrosia beetle

A serious pest of avocado trees has been found in NZ for the first time.

15+ jobs to get done in May on your lifestyle block

Looking ahead to winter and summer is a smart move for the mid-autumn checklist.

How to best feed your chickens (it's time to put down the treats)

The poultry diet tends to look bland to humans, but adding ‘treats’ to it can work against you.

Can chickens and turkeys live together?

The most fatal disease in turkeys is passed on by chickens, which can make the hen house a deadly place for your gobblers


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