
Lynda Hallinan's Blog: The cat that came in from the cold

It takes sheer luck get a cat that looks like a unicorn and purrs like a Tesla.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: Cold comfort

A freezer full of leftovers is the equivalent to money gaining interest in the bank, says Lucy Corry.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: Tree hugging for the non-hippies

Can’t see the woods for the trees? Here’s how to find meditative pleasure in giving midwinter hugs to towering trunks.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: Sickness benefits

Lucy ponders the much-debated approaches to combatting winter ills — from wholesome tonics to intoxicating tipples.

Lynda Hallinan's Blog: The best-laid plans of mice and women

Lynda Hallinan plays cat and mouse with a family of unwelcome houseguests.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: 6 cookbooks to read in bed

To read a cookbook in bed, says Lucy Corry, is to surrender to inaction and read for pure pleasure.

Polly Greeks’ Blog: The beauty of unpredictability

Polly muses over the lessons learnt when life doesn’t go to plan.

Lucy Corry's Blog: Some like it hot

Forget oil heaters or fireplaces — Lucy Corry heats up with spice.

Lynda Hallinan's Blog: The world's your oyster

Lynda Hallinan dusts off her pinny and treats herself to a batch of homemade cinnamon oysters.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: Less pressure takes the cake

Birthday cakes taste just as good with a less-is-more approach, says Lucy Corry.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: The reality of family traditions

Family traditions are all well and good, but some — like overripe fruit — can fester and rot.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: Not a lady who lunches

A startling confession from Lucy Corry — she just doesn’t enjoy lunch.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: A good egg

When it comes to the perfect plate of savoury eggs, writes Lynda Hallinan, fresh isn't always best.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: The rise of the Splayd

Lucy Corry encounters a historical figure in the world of cutlery.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: Sage advice

Sage is a handy herb but Lynda Hallinan has a hard time keeping it alive.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: Out, damned spot!

A food writer meets her greatest enemy — the dirty kitchen cupboard.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: What you knead to know about hot cross buns

Lucy, who once skipped a party in order to perfect her hot cross bun dough, shares her most successful recipes and tips ahead of Good Friday.

Polly Greeks' Blog: The new chooks on the block

Polly’s brood gets clucky over new chooks.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: Growing patience from cuttings

An ardent gardener loses her patience and weaves a little magic with garden prunings.

Lucy Corry's Blog: A cure for garden heartbreak

Lucy Corry heals her heartbreak with an off-site garden adventure.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: You say tomato, I say make 'mine a double'

Lynda Hallinan perfects the art of the lockdown liquid lunch.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: Nice foodie people on the internet

Lucy Corry offers a cure for those with an addiction to mindless scrolling through social media.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: The liberation of dried-flowers

Before the tanks run dry in summer, this land-lover raids her cottage-style picking garden for buds, blooms and seedheads to hang in her dried-flower hut.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: We all scream for ice cream

Lucy Corry pens a love letter to one of her great loves in life — ice cream.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: Let them eat sponge cake

Lynda Hallinan gets all her ducks in a row and bakes her grandma's favourite cake.

Polly Greeks’ Blog: The forest calls for minimalism

Polly and co welcome — with love — a large slab of concrete to their off-grid idyll.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: A recipe for a good holiday

The magic of baches is in their ability to show you the beauty of the small things in life, says Lucy Corry.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: The missing piece

Lynda Hallinan reflects on a summer spent "wasting time" doing jigsaw puzzles.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: Culinary resolutions for 2021

Lucy Corry reminisces on her gastronomical habits of the past in preparation for the future.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: A remodeled hen house

Lynda Hallinan’s free-range chickens come home to roost in a chook house inspired by the Wild West.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: The best things I ate in 2020

From budget eats to keeping it local, the best way to remember 2020 is through good food, says Lucy Corry.

Lynda Hallinan's Blog: The writing's on the wall

As the year draws to a close, Lynda Hallinan asks her children what the future – and Santa – may bring for them.

Lucy Corry’s Blog: A survivor's guide to Christmas

Christmas is a scenic marathon, says Lucy Corry, not a sprinting race.

Lynda Hallinan’s Blog: Growing apples and kids

An apple a day keeps Lynda Hallinan's parental guilt at bay.


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