
Water cooler: dogs on Guy Fawkes, beetroot mud cake recipe, Waze boyband navigation and the Burger King anti-bullying campagin

This week in the water cooler:  We learn how to look after dogs on Guy Fawkes Day, let boy bands navigate us and are eating cakes that can’t be beet-en.


Did you know that Guy Fawkes is the most common night for dogs for run away? I didn’t realise my dog had a problem with loud bangs until election night, and someone down the road let off fireworks. My dog promptly run across the room and wee’d on my friend’s lovely mat. Embarrassing.
Although she’s previously slept right through Guy Fawkes night, clearly my little griffon has developed a fear of the sound of firecracker. This year I’m going to be extra cautious on the night we celebrate the failed Gunpowder plot of 1605.
My local doggie daycare and kennel, Complete Canine Care, is planning a big dog walk on Sunday to help owners tire out their dogs.
They have also been has been publishing some cute memes of fireworks tips.

Tip #1 Keep dogs inside
Tip#2 Turn on the TV or music to hide the sound of firecrackers
Tip#3 Make sure all doors and cat and dog flaps are closed to stop dogs running away
Tip#4 Try an anti-stress product such as a ‘thundershirt’ (which you can buy or you can make a DIY version, instructions here) or pheromone spray.

Emma Rawson
Editor, thisNZlife


Video of a couple trying the Waze navigation

I have to admit that this week’s water cooler is more of a Friday funny than informative. It all began when my husband’s new company car pinged my phone and told me to download a navigation app called Waze.
“OK car,” I thought, not wanting to upset a vehicle with my life literally in its care. I downloaded the app and was pleasantly surprised to find that it’s actually quite useful. It highlights petrol stations along your route, and ranks them using an up-to-date price per litre. There are live updates on traffic, accidents and police thanks to an active community of road users, and it works in with Spotify so you don’t have to worry about a robotic voice yelling over your morning music.
The best thing – and my personal favourite feature on any app, ever – is that you can change the voice that narrates your journey. We started off with the lovely but dull Amy (US English), then tried Kate (UK English) and Thomas (UK English) before discovering Boy Band (US English). Yes, you can choose to have your journey home narrated to you by the dulcet tones of a Justin Beiber-like singer, who in my imagination is wearing all white, an open shirt and spiky hair (I’m a closet Backstreet Boys fan, what can I say).
The staff at Warehouse Stationary were probably startled when a 5-month-pregnant woman walked into their store bright red and crying from laughter, but it was well worth the embarrassment.
I would recommend turning this on when others are in the car for maximum effect.

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I’ve never met a chocolate cake I didn’t like. When I saw this delightful option, I was ready to dive in.
Its maker is Kelli Walker, a nutrient-dense foodie you’ll meet in the January issue of NZ Lifestyle Block (out late December). She’s about to complete a permaculture design course and is already preparing a food forest to go around a house that isn’t built yet, but she can’t wait.
The main ingredient for this cake came from her current garden. She used a no-cook recipe from NZ Life & Leisure’s nutrition expert Dr Libby and it’s delicious.
Like any good chocolate cake, it’s moist and you can’t eat much of it, but not for the usual sickly too-much-sugar reason. It has the earthy sweetness of beetroot, dates, and a dash of maple syrup, and the deep satisfying hit of chocolate from cacao.
It’s good for you too, full of fibre, and that makes it very filling – one small slice and I was done. NB: we’d already stuffed ourselves with an amazing lunch made by Kelli when we got to eat this cake which may have affected our stomach’s intake rate.
Highly recommended if you have a good beetroot crop. Read the recipe here

Nadene Hall,
Editor, NZ Lifestyle Block



Burger King has just launched its new anti-bullying campaign with a thought-provoking ad. It asks a simple question: how many people would stand up and complain about mistreatment of a burger vs stepping in when a teenager is being bullied?
The results are sad, but there’s a heartwarming moment to prove not everyone puts their appetite over their conscience.
The video has been viewed almost 3.5 million times since October 17. Hopefully that’s 3 million people who might put their burger down and their best foot forward next time they see someone being harassed in public.

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Cheree Morrison
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