
Recipe: Topp Secret Gingernut biscuits

The Topp Twins had to beg their mum Jean to share their nana’s famous Gingernut Biscuit recipe for their new cookbook Topp Country: A Culinary Journey.

Prep time 10 minutes, Cook time 20 minutes

125g butter
½ cup golden syrup
½ cup sugar
1½ cups (200g) flour,sifted 3 times
1 tsp ground ginger, sifted 3 times
½ tsp baking soda, sifted 3 times

1 Preheat oven to 150°C.
2 Beat butter, golden syrup and sugar together until smooth and creamy. Add dry ingredients and mix well.
3 Take teaspoonfuls of mixture, roll into rounds and space out on a tray. Press flat with a wet finger.
4 Bake for 20 minutes – be careful not to overcook as they burn easily

Our Mum is just the best baker and home cook in the world and whenever we go home we head straight to the biscuit tin. Mum’s gingernuts are legendary and after years of asking, she will finally share her treasured recipe, passeddown from our Nana Topp. She still bakes every week, but maybe it’s about time we learnt how to make our favourite biscuit ourselves. -Jools and Lynda Topp

The perfect Christmas gift The Topp Twins bring us tales from the countryside through the universal pleasure of food and love, as they meet 60 farmers and growers around New Zealand in this cookbook with a difference. Their deep love for the land and its people is interwoven with inspiring stories, poems and approximately 75 recipes, including family favourites.

Topp Country A Culinary Journey is available to buy on the thisNZlife shop for $49.95

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