
Recipe: Delectable Cardamom and Rosewater Dessert Feijoas

Celebrate the colours of autumn with this delectable treat.

Words & photos: Jenny Garing

Serves 2


2-3 cups riesling
zest and juice of ½ orange
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon sugar
2 cardamom pods, bashed slightly to release aroma
6 feijoas, peeled lengthways in stripes so there are still thin strips of skin on the fruit to serve
cream and crème fraiche (or mascarpone) + ¾ teaspoon rosewater + ½ teaspoon ground cardamom


In a medium pot, bring the wine, juice, honey, sugar and bashed cardamom pods to the boil.

Add the peeled feijoas and the first rosewater measure and simmer gently until tender. Remove the feijoas and boil the syrup until it reduces and thickens.

Whip equal parts fresh cream and crème fraiche (or mascarpone) with the ½ teaspoon of rosewater and the ground cardamom.

Serve warm feijoas with the freshly whipped cream and drizzle with poaching liquor.


Recipe: Topsy Turvy Feijoa Cake

Two great feijoa recipes: Feijoa chutney and feijoa loaf

This is an extract from our special edition In Your Backyard: Living Lightly

In Your Backyard: Living Lightly is filled with practical advice on making small steps to a lighter footprint. Order online here.

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