
Listen: The Girl on the Train book club podcast

The Girl on the Train book review

The Girl on the Train author Paula Hawkins is headlining the Auckland Writers Festival this month.

The NZ Life & Leisure team had a lively chat about the twists and turns of this best-selling thriller over wine and cheese in our new podcast The Off-topic Book Club.

In the podcast (to listen click on the player above) staff writer Cheree Morrison chairs the discussion and is joined by editor Kate Coughlan, digital editor Emma Rawson, advertising manager Tracey Yearbury, Office guru Rosemarie White and contributing editor Ann Warnock. A lively debate unfolded.

The bookclub also talked about the upcoming  trailer for the new film adapation for The Girl on the Train, starring Emily Blunt. Watch the video here to see if you agree with us on the casting choices.

My Brilliant Friend by Elana Ferrante


Next month the Off-topic book club is reviewing My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante. We’d love you to join in the conversation, email us at cheree@nzlifeandleisure.co.nz with any discussion points you would like us to raise in the discussion.

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