
Grate Cheese

While there are no set rules when it comes to when to eat cheese or what to pair it with, we have some top picks from cheese royalty, Simon and Annabel Berry, on what to sample this summer.  Their biggest piece of advice: ‘Experiment with different tastes, and be creative – this is where the fun begins!’

1. Lindis Pass Camembert

Made by ladling curd from a traditional 1400 AD recipe, this is soft and gooey goodness, pure decadence best served on a plain cracker or crispy bread (for texture only) – perfect to settle into with some summer bubbles.

2. Roundhill

Aged for five years in distinctive blue wax to reach vintage status, this semi-soft cheese is the latest emerging Whitestone Cheese star of 2024 – complex, sharp and strong to go with full-flavoured liquid refreshments. Try this cheese alone washed down with a craft beer, red wine or hearty summer cocktail.

3. Ferry Road Halloumi

Squeaky, fresh and full flavoured thanks to Whitestone’s whole milk recipe, pan-seared in oil till caramelised and crispy, the perfect accompaniment to summer salads or with a squeeze of lemon as a barbecue starter.

4. Oamaru Blue

The blue masterpiece made with specific blue mould combinations and a triple cream to provide a silky-smooth lingering flavour sensation, spread onto a hot fresh baguette as a mid-afternoon treat or the perfect way to start the summer party.

5. Creamy Havarti

Ideal alone or with a savoury gherkin or pickled onion chutney, washed down with a fresh chilled white wine. Produced in New Zealand by Kapiti, Mainland and Whitestone.

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6. Vintage Gouda

Full-bodied, complex caramel flavours to savour with a lovely buttery Chardonnay or any full-bodied white wine. Fantastic quality Goudas are now available from Barrys Bay, Meyer and Karikaas.

7. Creamy Feta

What summer salad isn’t complete without a good sprinkling of feta to add that wee punch of saltness?! Look for a decent fresh New Zealand one – we prefer cow’s milk feta and can’t go past Bouton d’or, Mainland, Ornelle or of course Whitestone.

Ōamaru’s Simon and Annabel Berry are passionate lovers of cheese, unsurprising given Simon’s role as Managing Director of Whitestone Cheese. For those passing through
this summer, their Diner & Deli at 469 Thames Highway, Ōamaru is a must-visit! whitestonecheese.com






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