DIY: How to make your own lip balm using beeswax
If you suffer from dry or cracked lips, you can easily make your own lip balm with a few soothing ingredients.
Words: Jane Wrigglesworth
Donna Lee, from Cottage Hill Herbs devised this lip balm, which is very healing and soothing to chapped lips. Melissa (or lemon balm) essential oil is anti-inflammatory and has strong antiviral properties, so it doubles as protection from cold sores.
30g beeswax
50g cocoa butter
35ml calendula oil
35ml almond oil
20ml aloe vera liquid
50ml castor oil
3 drops pure essential oil of melissa per 15g pot
Gently melt all of the above ingredients, except the melissa oil, in a double boiler until all combined. Pour this mixture into a heated, heatproof glass jug and keep warm. Prepare 15g pots (these ingredients will make 10 pots) by placing 3 drops of melissa essential oil into the bottom of each one, then pour the liquid carefully into each. Allow to set before placing lids on pots.
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