
7 expert tips for keeping a lifestyle block secure while you’re on holiday

Going on holiday to the beach? If you prepare right, you won’t have to worry about block security while you’re away.

Words: Nadene Hall

Rural insurer FMG processes an average of 28-29 burglary claims a week, but its worst month is January when the average value of claims is 23% higher.

Its stats tell us:

In 60% of burglaries, entry is through an insecure window. If your neighbour has been burgled recently, the odds of your block being targeted are significantly higher. The most likely things to be stolen are your quad bike, chainsaw, other small machinery, tools, and fuel – in your house, it will be cash, jewellery, and easy-to-carry electronics.

If you’re going away in January:

1. Don’t post announcements on social media or show off holiday pics while you’re away, even if you use private settings.

2. Install sensor lights at the front and back of your home, and on farm buildings – mount them as high as possible, so burglars can’t block sensors or remove bulbs.

3. Hide or get rid of Christmas wrappings and product boxes, and take down decorations before you leave.

4. Use automatic timers or a smart system to turn interior lights and the TV on and off at night.

5. Use wheel clamps on trailers, and hide keys to vehicles.

6. Engrave valuable items.

7. Photograph and register the details and serial numbers of important possessions (eg, technology, antiques, jewellery) at www.snap.org.nz, a police-run website.

Bonus tip: what to do if you’re having a party

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If your teenagers are having a party and inviting people you don’t know, set up gazebos or hire a marquee. Don’t invite large groups of people you don’t know into your home.

NZ Life and Leisure This article first appeared in NZ Lifestyle Block Magazine.

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